IL est intéressant de voir comme un précédent article que j’ai écrit sur la possible re-structuration du marché de la photo par l’intermédiaire d’acquisitions significatives a trouvé un écho immédiat (mais pas du tout à la taille dont je parlais).
En fait, Kenko-Tokina, un des sociétés que je citais comme candidat possible pour un mouvement financier, a rendu officiel son rachat de COKIN SAS, le fabricant français leader mondial des filtres de qualité qui avait été une étonnante source d’innovations dans ce domaine au cours des années 1990.
Coup de bol ?
Tiens ! J’y pense… je viens aussi d’écrire un papier tout récent sur les filtres en photographie numérique.
Press Release
PARIS — July 5, 2011 Kenko-Tokina Company Ltd., Japan today announced that it has acquired the famous French filter manufacturer COKIN SAS.
COKIN is the creator and leader in Square filters systems, exporting 90% of its production to more than 100 countries around the world.
Mr Toru Yamanaka (President of Kenko-Tokina Co., Ltd.) said: “I have always been impressed with the creativity that COKIN filters and accessories offer. I admire and greatly respect the professionalism of this line of fine products which reflect the French ingenuity. We are very proud to add this filter manufacturer to our Team.”
Kenko-Tokina Co., Ltd. was established in 1957 and now has 10 factories and subsidiaries worldwide. They are a world-leader in round photographic filters and other fine optical products.
COKIN France S.A.S.U. (new company name) will stay independent, with its own manufacturing, marketing and worldwide distribution network.
Mr Marc Heintz (Director of Sales, COKIN France): “Kenko brings to us a strong backing of finance and supply of raw materials, which will allow us to expand and bring new innovative products to the market once again.”
With this acquisition, both companies will expand their services and bring the flourishing photographic accessory market their expertise and enthusiasm for today’s exciting imaging world.