Tag: DIY
Lens repair
You must not be too easily frightened to go and reapir your own photographic lenses. But with some patience, some tidiness and a lot of concentration… This is exactly what Fredy Willette of Alpha-Numérique teaches us in his article Réparation d’un problème d’engrenage sur un objectif non motorisé (Google English translation).
DIY: Two projects
Thanks to LifeHacker, there are two simple photography-related DIY projects that you can tackle during a rainy weekend. Build a Closet Photo Studio Build a DIY Digital Camera Scanner
Photo collage, free tools
It is no longer possible to list all the web sites that offer you the possibility to assemble a photo collage in a form that is appreciated by so many photographers despite its simplicity. Many web sites are characterized by the needed payments they request, but the idea has come a long way and what…
DIY long-distance radio trigger
In most case, long-distance trigger are very limited (by wire length, by price, etc.) This is why some people decide to go DIY. They build their own radio trigger. Here is exactly what DIYPhotography describes us from a concept developed by Marco Jetti.
A fish-eye lens at rock-bottom price
When you use an expensive SLR camera you are often tempted to purchase a specialty lens like a ultra-wide angle (fish eye) lens. But, apart from the rare occasions when you really need it, it’s too expensive for you and me. Why not build it yourself? Instructables does the demonstration with a Nikon D90, but…
DIY long-distance camera trigger
DIY This Flickr user, Marco Jetti has a proposal to transform into a long-distance radio-controlled trigger a kit of two talkie-walkies. A little DIY elbow grease and here it is:
DIY tilt-shift lens
When you want to go cheap, you’d better be able to build your own devices. For most photographers, a tilt-shit lens is often too expensive for something that you’ll nearly never use. So, why not build your own tilt-shift lens from cheap plumbing parts? Bhautik Joshi did exactly that. $10 for the whole project, including…