Photo curiosity

  • Tamron exhibits your photos

    Tamron exhibits your photos

    There are many ways to present your photos on the Internet. Most portfolios are very similar. This one is slightly different. Thanks to Tamron My Photo Exhibits, you can organize your pictures in what looks a lot like visiting a public exhibition. This may be a little awkward to use. But it gives a different…

  • World Backup Day!

    Today is the first World Backup Day as decided by Reddit. And it is a pretty good idea to stress that every digital bit should be regularly backed up. photo credit: Photo Extremist How old is your last backup? Check our articles about the photographer’s backup. Local backup options (External hard disk drive) Local backup…

  • Download the Canon EOS 600D user manual

    Download the Canon EOS 600D user manual

    You may have discovered how difficult Canon makes it to find the electronic editions of their SLR photo cameras operator/user manuals. For a recent photo camera like the Canon EOS 600D, this is somewhat even more difficult, and I decided to specially look around for the YLovePhoto readers. Here are the results of my investigations,…

  • Tags in YLovePhoto posts

    Tags in YLovePhoto posts

    Always improvements on YLovePhoto. For maximum comfort of our visitors, I just added a small feature that should complement the existing ones: Tags. Posts are no longer only sorted in categories or themes (shown just under the post title); They are also marked with stamps, labels, keywords or Tags which are now shown at the…

  • Amazing eBay prices on Fuji Finepix X100

    Amazing eBay prices on Fuji Finepix X100

    We already know that Fuji has announced some delays on the shipment of its all new Finepix X100, but the buyers are not always perfectly logical. It’s enough to check the prices reached on eBay: This is people ready to place an auction at more than $1600 (some have reached more than $2000) for a…

  • Japan earthquake, back to the consequences

    Nearly two weeks after the terrible earthquake in Japan (let’s remind that on the 11 March 2011, a giant earthquake reached 9.0 rating on the Richter scale, being immediately categorized as the most powerful in the history of Japan and among the 5 most powerful in the world since 1900. Furthermore, the following tsunami was…

  • Elisabeth Taylor, a star goes off

    Today, Elisabeth Taylor died at the age of 79. A true star if there was one, she has been the center of attention for many photographers. Elizabeth Taylor8 in. x 10 in.Buy This

  • D5000 is dead! Long live the Nikon D5100!

    This is a bit early to claim that the D5100 from Nikon will soon be here, but it is clear that the repeated message from Nikon is really unambiguous: Stocks of Nikon D5000 are dwindling all over the world and Nikon has obviously no intent to start a new manufacturing batch. The Nikon D5100 will…

  • iPhone/iPad special

    For all visitors to YLovePhoto who prefer to use their iPhone or their iPad, here is a little favor to improve their comfort. If you use the button of your Safari browser (either a + or the small add icon shown below), you will get access to the “Add to Home Screen” menu item to…