Photo curiosity

  • Canon: New list of reviews

    The arrival of the Canon EOS 600D and of the Canon EOS 1100D inspired many reviewers to look deeply at them. You will find many of these tests and reviews grouped in the pages describing these photo cameras from Canon: Canon EOS 600D: 6 new reviews tests listed (in English and in French) Canon EOS…

  • NASA Hubble pictures: 2 minutes in Photoshop

    As a matter of fact, NASA prepares in Photoshop its gorgeous pictures from images taken by the Hubble space telescope. And, within two minutes, you can watch exactly how they do it. I would recommend to run it in slow motion if you really want to catch all the details and each and every step,…

  • Japan earthquake, impact on the LCD

    For all those who want to understand the kind of impact that the Japan earthquake had on the manufacturing of LCD panels, I invite you to go and check the excellent article in DisplaySearch Blog (Impact of the Japanese Earthquake on the FPD Industry) even though it was written only three days after the earthquake…

  • Links for the studio (with videos)

    In these times when photography seems easier and more pleasant inside a house, here is a series of web link intended to satisfy those who practice (or would like to practice) in a studio, using a flash and possibly a tripod: Controlling Your Photo’s Background: Part I and Part II How to photograph 7 wine…

  • Nikon D5100 – Order it now!

    The Nikon D5100 has just been announced (it is not yet available) and you can already pre-order to be one of the very first to receive it when it will be available (around May 2011). You will be part of a very select club. Amazon USA Nikon D5100 (pre-order) B&H Nikon D5100 Digital SLR Camera…

  • Nikon D5100 Press Presentation

    Photography Blog shares the whole press presentation of the Nikon D5100 is a long series of copies of the marketing slides.

  • Canon to suffer 27% from earthquake

    Bloomberg news agency disclosed their estimate of reduced Operating Profits at Canon, the world’s largest camera maker: They may drop to 400 billion yen – 27% lower than previously estimated. No information about how they computed these figures, but the readers of YLovePhoto know what it is all about the Japan earthquake and its consequences.…

  • Nikon D5100 – Night vision

    Nikon D5100 – Night vision

    Let’s come back to the issue of Night Vision around the new Nikon D5100. You certainly noticed that there was some talk about it before the launch and that this has been toned down at the announcement by Nikon. It appears that its an issue of trying to avoid discomfiture for the new or prospective…

  • Sigma and the Japan earthquake

    Sigma and the Japan earthquake

    Sigma is one photo company which did not tell us much about the damages from the March 11 earthquake. Apparently (according to talks with people who where actually working in the plant at quake time), their Fukushima Yamagun/Aizu factory is mostly undamaged (and nearly 100 km from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant). It is…