Photo curiosity

  • Lens repair

    You must not be too easily frightened to go and reapir your own photographic lenses. But with some patience, some tidiness and a lot of concentration… This is exactly what Fredy Willette of Alpha-Numérique teaches us in his article Réparation d’un problème d’engrenage sur un objectif non motorisé (Google English translation).

  • Nikkor promotional video

    Nikkor promotional video

    No information, but the pleasure of watching Nikon promoting the line of its 60 million Nikkor lenses. YouTube link

  • Suren Manvelyan

    Suren Manvelyan

    Suren Manvelyan is a physicist having graduated in the field of Quantum Chaos. He started to photograph when he was 16. If you visit his web site, you will notice that he is working on many fields and that this is his greatest strength. However, I was stopped by his Saxophonia series. The photo above…

  • New flexible cobra flash at Sony

    Sony just announced a long list of accessories for the Alpha SLR and SLT series. The most interesting one is certainly the new cobra external flash (fully orientable), HVL-F43AM. Main features: Guide Number: 43 (ISO 100) Bounce Flash: Click positions: up (30° / 45° / 60° / 75° / 90° / 120° / 150°); down…

  • Rent-a-Photoshop


    This could change the life of some photo pros: Adobe now allows a rental/subscription-based acquisition method for its products (including Photoshop) which comes and widen the offer only allowing purchase as a possible option -up to now- It’s still right that the price is not a perfect bargain yet, but it opens new options and…

  • Videos of the Nikon D5100

    Videos of the Nikon D5100

    Fragments from Nikon France on Vimeo. A man lives a uneventful life until one day he begins receiving pieces of paper in his mail…Shot with the Nikon D5100A film by CHIVTEAM directed by Simon Bonneau and Charles-Edouard Dangelser.

  • Go Lightroom! Go!

    Go Lightroom! Go!

    We all want new ideas to improve our usage of a great program like Lightroom. In order to support our activity and to bring us new ideas or better ways of using Lightroom, here is a collection of links selected just for you (you will notice that I have been able to mix English, German…

  • Shooting from a helicopter: The 5+1 best tips

    Shooting photos from a helicopter is not your everyday’s experience (even when your name is Philip Plisson). The price for an hour of flight is high enough for ensure that you’ve got all the aces in your hand for a Manhattan island aerial tour, a flight over the Iguazu Falls or a wildlife observation over…

  • Nikon D4, really?

    Several contacts absolutely want to talk to me of the launch of an upcoming Nikon D4. There certainly is something brewing, but… If I am not just trolled by daydreamers (these contacts were unknown to me up to now), here is more or less what this new Nikon D4 pro SLR photo camera would look…