Photo curiosity

  • CompactDrive PD70x / HyperDrive HD80 firmware

    CompactDrive PD70x / HyperDrive HD80 firmware

    Some people still know about the CompactDrive PD70x Flash card reader. During a long time, it has been considered as the fastest portable hard drive to copy your flash cards to a hard disk. Unfortunately, being a relatively bulky product and no longer supported makes it a problem for the owners still wishing to make…

  • Sony A77 & A65 – stolen images

    Sony A77 & A65 – stolen images got a nice photo of the upcoming Sony Alpha 77 that is expected to be the successor to the (now) old sony Alpha 700. This is still a rumor coming from a leaked image, but it looks like one of the most accurate information up to now. This is the confirmation of the tilt-and-swivel…

  • Michael Kircher

    Michael Kircher

    Often, shooting a photography is a matter of choosing the angle. This is confirmed by the flying heron photograph presented to us by Michael Kircher. Here is a bird shot from high above (while birds tend to appear from below to us, mere mortals). Nevertheless, it is shot against a patch of blue sky (which…

  • 5 tips for concert photography (and more)

    5 tips for concert photography (and more)

    This month, YLovePhoto will try an help in shooting photos where many think that only a pro can succeed: A live music concert. This is where many a difficulty converge to make the work of the photographer more painful. However, experience shows that a few tips (Y-tips, of course) will help a lot. Most of…

  • Aurora borealis

    Aurora borealis

    Terje Sorgjerd spent a week in the cold nights of Kirkenes and Pas National Park (near Russia) to collect images of the aurora borealis phenomenon before assembling them frame-by-frame into a single video. The Aurora from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.

  • This is the end for the Sony a290, a390 & a850

    This is the end for the Sony a290, a390 & a850

    Sony made several “end of life” announcements for the Alpha series of DSLR. Two entry-level, the Alpha 290 and Alpha 390 are clearly replaced with the Alpha 35 and Alpha 55. The Alpha 850 is leaving the shelves -as it was expected from a long time- with a progressive price reduction of the Sony Alpha…

  • Operation of aperture blades

    Aperture Revealed – 120 fps – HD from Camera Technica on Vimeo. The same at a slower speed: Aperture Revealed – 240 fps – HD from Camera Technica on Vimeo. Thanks to Camera Technica for these videos.

  • Firmware upgrade for Sony A33 & A55

    Firmware upgrade for Sony A33 & A55

    Sony is also announcing that some of the new features of the Sony Alpha 35 will be made available for the older Sony Alpha 33 and Sony Alpha 55. Support for the ‘Picture Effect’ function featured on the new α35 High-Speed Synch is supported during wireless operation with a compatible external flash (α55 only) Revised…

  • Here is the Sony SLT-A35 (and the Sony NEX-C3)

    Here is the Sony SLT-A35 (and the Sony NEX-C3)

    For 699€ (or $699), you will soon be able to buy (as early as June) the new DSLR from Sony, the Sony SLT-A35, Sony Alpha 35 or Sony α35 (depending on the exact name you want to use – this is still fuzzy for me). The main features are: New APS HD CMOS 16.2 MP…