Photo curiosity
Manufacturing of a Canon 500mm f/4 lens
Let’s go and see how is manufactured a big tele-lens from Canon. A lot of hot glass and quite a chunk of shiny metal. YouTube link
Magnum will test Leica
We already knew that Leica was quite discreet on the digital photography market, but according to Amateur Photographer, the photographers of the prestigieuse Magnum photo agency will soon be recruited to test some of the upcoming photo cameras from Leica. However, it is not clear yet whether this will cover the Digital SLR cameras (like…
Ricoh + Pentax: Showing the way of the future? [Updated]
You have certainly heard the announcement that Ricoh just purchased Pentax from Hoya, its previous owner. As a matter of fact, it may have been surprising more than one, but it was already true that Hoya no longer seemed to know what to do with its photo division under the Pentax brand name. Since the…
Sigma SD1 gets a review
You may have been surprised by the startospheric prices of the Sigma SD1, but at least there is one serious study testing it on the Internet : DPReview Sigma SD1 preview.
Fireworks: The 10 best tips
Summer is coming and the 4th of July celebrations (in the US, of course) are upon us. This means that we will have the opportunity to shoot fireworks, this ever-wonderful show. Usually, we will get only a few minutes to shoot and we don’t want to wait until next year for another opportunity. So, here…
Canon EOS 5D MkII – Let’s tear it down!
I had previosuly shown the repairman tearing down a Nikon D300s under the video camera. I thought that it was (somewhat) interesting to compare with the same operation on a Canon EOS 5D MkII. YouTube link
Photoshop is everywhere on the Internet
As usual, I found some links to guide the Photoshop-equipped photographer. German photographers are slightly favored this time. Photoshop: Panoramabilder entzerren How to Reduce Your Depth of Field in Photoshop Camera Raw 6 : accentuer la netteté Learn the basics of color focus editing in Photoshop CS5 Photoshop Tutorial Mine : from image to flickr…
More iPhone 4 than Nikon D90 on Flickr
Flickr just published some data showing that the most commonly used camera on the photo sharing web site is no longer the Nikon D90. It has been overtaken by the iPhone 4. Source: Thanks to Boing Boing.
Google competing with TinEye
Do you remember TinEye? This is the company which has been offering since a few years an image search service where you show a photo (or a picture) and they find copies on the web (useful for the photographers). This can also help you find the original (useful for webmasters). TinEye was always a little…