Photo curiosity

  • Fall colors: The 9 best tips

    Fall colors: The 9 best tips

    In a few days (or a few weeks, depending on your exact location), you will be surrounded by the colorful foliage of autumn in the Northern hemisphere. All photographers know that this is a time to bring out the camera and start shooting. But despite this being a subject considered easy, here are a few…

  • Peter Kayafas

    The world of Peter Kayafas is mainly in black and white, but it’s our common world: A little out of our cities and their comemrcial malls, empty spaces are still there and contain the marks of our man’s activity. These abandoned marks in the wide empty spaces of North America are seen by Peter Kayafas…

  • Manufacturing film and cards

    In only a few years, we went from analog silver-based film to the Flash memory card. Let’s have some little fun comparing both manufacturing processes, thanks to Kodak, then Lexar. The world is moving. YouTube link YouTube link YouTube link Film or cards; Kodak or Lexar; Years apart, but the same attention to production quality.

  • Claes Axstål

    Claes Axstål

    So many photographers (even pros) do the same photo again and again, forgetting that they could use their own ingenuity to build their own pictures. Claes Axstål made a giant move when he decided to use Flash to do aerial photography. This made his photographs distinctly different. Nothing technically impossible, just a LOT of work…

  • Canon 5D MkIII, the fake ad

    Dominik Wörner is a photographer who loves to have fun with Photoshop and other tools. You want some evidence? Just have a look at the sequence of pictures of the future Canon EOS 5D MkIII (if it ever happens to be born) that he assembled into a lovely video clip which could be the official…

  • A few days off

    Don’t worry too much if the posts are rare in the coming days. I’ll be off to Botswana for a photo trip.

  • Rijasolo

    « Miverina » means « to come back ». Rijasolo was born in Madagascar and the « Miverina » series is a move back to rediscover this country. His photography is a kind of black and white photography which touched me deeply. Question : Is there something that could make you stop shooting photographs? Rijasolo’s…

  • Sony NEX-5n clicks: Solution is coming

    Sony was not very précise, but they now recognize the issue, have identified the cause (or a way to mask the problem) and are preparing a solution which will be made available to customers under warranty. More later.

  • War Correspondant in a PC video game

    War Correspondant in a PC video game

    If you always wanted to be a war correpsondant (WarCo in short) type of photographer but did not have the guts to risk your life, there is an Australian company, Defiant, which is trying to get the funds to finish a PC game based on such a scenario. Instead of using a gun to spread…