Photo curiosity

  • Alan Douglas

    I admit being in love with wildlife photography when it draws me to visiting the warm countries. Tropical regions and savannas are perfect for me. But some photographers have a notion of wildlife which pushes them to the cold waters of some oceans and cold countries. That is how I discovered Alan Douglas (somewhat through…

  • Photoshop links – CS6 edition

    What will Photoshop CS6 be made of? What will be the new features of CS6? It is quite difficult to be sure since -up to now- Adobe simply distributed technology-oriented data (which may never be exploited in this form) and some very partial elements not allowing precise predictions. Nevertheless, some of them can be assembled…

  • The end of Olympus

    The end of Olympus

    This is not yet fully certain, but Olympus is today at the core of a maelstrom. So much of it that it is advisable to think about the possible end to the brand itself As a matter of fact, we are witnesses to an almost unbelievable financial chronicle on a background of fraud, creative accounting…

  • Nikon D800: Sony sensors hit again

    We leanred a little more about the Nikon D800 when NR revealed the first pictures of the futur new pro Full Frame Digital SLR from Nikon. The most impressive item recorded will certainly be the arrival of a new FX-FF digital sensor of 36 mega-pixels. You read it well: Nikon will hold the record of…

  • Buy used photo gear, if…

    photo credit: EvelynGiggles …if the price difference with New is really large enough (don’t forget that in most countries and in Europe importing photo gear from outside requires to pay VAT and a few % of custom duties): Buy New if the difference is small, you’ll also get a manufacturer warranty. …if the selling web…

  • Develop a Photoshop workstream

    Many photographers think that it is enough to take the file just out of the camera to give it to its public. I am deeply convinced that this is a total error, maybe because I started photography in the black-and-white laboratory of the family. Very early, I was able to see that the developing phase…

  • Franco Limosani

    When a photographer rides freely in his/her free time, he/she will reach new photographic themes, some that are not in the daily routine. I think about Laurent Baheux who extracted himself from the daily rush of sports photography to join a wildlife photography hobby. Coming from another world (agencies and new documentary), Franco Limosani also…

  • Job interview

    Source: Tastefully offensive.

  • Pirelli 2012 calendar – First shots

    The Pirelli calendar is certainly the most famous calendar (at least in the automotive world). This comes in a large part from the very high quality of the artistic nudity photographs, as it is maintained from year to year despite a systematic change of photographer. This year, for 2012, the calendar is not yet officially…