Photo curiosity
Nikon D300s and D700 are at the end of the road
Weird! On their Japanese web site (but not on the French or US web sites, or nay other Nikon web site I could check), Nikon just lightened the list of its discontinued DSLR photo cameras: Nobody’s really surprised by the presence of the Nikon D700 since Nikon will announce its successor the Nikon D800 as…
Adobe Camera Raw 7 – sneak peek
YouTube link Bryan O’Neil Hughes, Senior Product Manager at Adobe, gives us an idea of the next version of Adobe Camera Raw (ACR).
Olympus: Back to the future
If Olympus is obviously in dire financial straits, the teams keep working on t preserve the photo business despite the risks looming high over the company. The latest rumor: Olympus would be preparing a mirror-less photo camera based upon a micro 4/3 digital sensor, with a very tough architecture designed to lift it over the…
Fuji X-Pro 1: Weird photo techno gadget
I almost let one of the recent announcements go without a second look. At first, it felt like one of those compact point-and-shoot cameras which do not really have the power to attract pro and enthusiast photographers who are the main readership here. As a matter of fact, the Fuji X-Pro 1 is rather astonishing…
Nikon D4 – A little more
We have already written quite significantly (too much?) about the next future pro digital photo camera from Nikon. But I found a few other items I am going to share with you, since you may like them. First, here are a few pictures of the magnesium alloy frame of the Nikon D4. Isn’t it beautiful?…
Lightroom 4 arrives, YLovePhoto is here to help
With the arrival of Lightroom 4, there are a few interesting articles and posts that we can find on the Internet. They describe the specifics of this version and point at the quite remarkable features of this new version. First, it is possible to download the version 4 beta. So, why not? (apart from the…
Goodbye Kodak
Kodak just filled for bankruptcy. It may not be the total end of the red and yellow logo. But they were already selling their assets and debt has been climbing up quite high in the recent months.
Nikon D4 – opinion
The Nikon D4 is clearly a high-end photo camera hunting on Canon EOS 1Dx grounds. It starts with a very ambitious top sensitivity at ISO 204,800. The race for high-ISOs is pleasantly replacing the race for more pixels, and the Nikon D4 is quite happy with a comfortable 16 MP figure (but, really, who needs…
The Nikon D4 is now official
Some people were waiting since the leaks started to multiply recently. It’s now here and curiosity is satisfied: The Nikon D4 is the new flagship D-SLR camera for the Nikon high-end and pro range. Let’s be clear, at 6000€/US$6000, the Nikon D4 is not a real concern for most photographers. But like all professional cameras,…