Photo curiosity

  • Nikon D800 videos

    Collected from everywhere… YouTube link YouTube link Official promotional video, with feature list: YouTube link Movie modes: YouTube link YouTube link Nikon D800 In the Studio with Rob Van Petten from Rob Van Petten on Vimeo. Joy Ride from Sandro on Vimeo. Joy Ride – Behind the Scenes from Sandro on Vimeo.

  • 13000€ for the big grey Sony 500mm

    Sony announced it suggested retail price for its upcoming 500mm f/4 (which has been eagerly expected for years, which was seen in nearly all international photo fairs under various model guises): 13000 euros. This is not for everybody. This is heavy in all senses of the word. Availability of the Sony 500 mm f/4 G…

  • Nikon D800 and D800E

    We dreamed about it, Nikon made it! Here is the Nikon D800 and its brother the D800E. Simply put, the D800 is a 36 mega-pixel Full Frame digital SLR photo camera (Thanks to sony for the digital sensor technology). Curiously, Nikon ran directly in the opposite of the Nikon D700 whose sensor sacrificed a little…

  • Leaked or fake videos of Photoshop CS6

    Be warned: Browsing through YouTube to discover the future of Adobe Photoshop CS6 can be revealing, interesting or deeply unsatisfying. There is probably as much fakes, clunky demos as pre-alpha versions. So, don’t count on all this being real and final from Adobe. However, if you still want to have an idea of the future…

  • Ricoh GXR: The future is in APS-C

  • Canon EOS 1D X : Test in Spain

    It’s already been a long time that Canon announced its new Digital SLR photo camera targeted to the pros, the Canon EOS 1D X. But, the announcements were not followed by much, so this is with great pleasure that we found that the Spanish QueSabesDe web site presented us a (very short) test of the…

  • New partners for the micro-4/3 format

    New partners for the micro-4/3 format

    Olympus just announced the arrival of new partners for the micro-4/3 format. As a matter of fact, the more immediately significant ones are the two independent lens manufacturers: Tamron Kenko-Tokina Olympus press release.

  • Simone Lueck

    Documentary photography is a genre that has its difficulties (even when it’s not about war photography), but it also has the huge advantage of putting the spectator (and the photograph) in front of real people in their own lives, creating a window between two worlds. Simone Lueck made a two-week trip in Cuba and immediately…

  • Weird new antiques or retro style?

    Quite often, photo camera manufacturers try to differentiate themselves one from each other and, for a few years, they only got two ideas: colorful cameras retro-styled cameras that try not to look old Two recent examples: A white Nikon V1 and a retro-styled Samsung NX-200 RS (with only a metalized plastic top to distance itself…