Photo curiosity

  • Nikon D800, the User Manual

    Nikon D800, the User Manual

    It’s always difficult to decide to dump a few thousands dolalrs/euros in a new DSLR camera. If, like me, you would like to check the user manual first, Nikon is making all possible attempts to make this complicated, but here are direct links I could find to these manuals in various languages. Download the Nikon…

  • New Sony Alpha: 65 + 55 = 57

    When Sony wants to replace a digital photo camera like the Sony Alpha 55, they may want to re-design everything from the ground up ou they can collect all the best from various (recent) sources and create a significant progress. That is the later that the Sony engineers chose when designing the all new Sony…

  • International Women’s Day

    International Women’s Day

    To celebrate the International Women’s Day (today on March 8th), I wanted to show how, we photographers moved from seeing women as models and crude ones at that. Here is how Bell & Howell was advertising its slide projectors in 1959. And if you think that this was pretty innocuous, think about the lives of…

  • Canon EOS 5D MkIII, the quiet revolution

    Here it comes! After some promotional teasing, Canon launched its most-expected SLR photo-video camera: the Canon EOS 5D MkIII. Did you say “expected”? Yes, because its predecessor, the Canon EOS 5D MkII is an SLR camera that both impressed the public by becoming the very first SLR camera becoming serious about video recording (it was…

  • Canon prepares the 5D MkIII

    We were patiently waiting the next camera in the Canon EOS 5D series, with an expected EOS 5D MkIII. But we were not certain of its reality. All is shaken down and certainty is restored with the revelation of a few images which -without revealing anything really- confirm the existence of the product. Seeing the…

  • Jens Olof Lasthein

    Jens Olof Lasthein

    Documentary in panoramic photography format. Jens Olof Lasthein is a Swedish photographer who grew up in Denmark. He concentrated on reportage (for magazines) he gave a specific personal style from his mix of wide panoramic format and use of wide-angle lenses. Both techniques force the photograph to “enter” into the subject, to confront its intimacy…

  • Olympus: There’s no stronger medecine

    As you know it already, Olympus is currently in front of a dramatic situation around very serious allegations of major financial embezzlement attributed to its management by a previous director of the company. News flash: The company decided to adopt a definitely pro-active approach to the problem with the beheading of the top management and…

  • Nikon, the train will be late

    Canon is now less sure about the availability of the 1D-X, probably pushed forward to end of April 2012. But Nikon doesn’t want to loose this battle and it seems that all the newly announced cameras will be (more or less) late: Nikon D4: Not before mid-March 2012 Nikon D800: Not before March 22nd Nikon…

  • Canon 1D-X, delayed

    Canon expected to start selling the new beautiful Canon 1D-X from March 2012. This will not happen. A UK representative of Canon told Associated Press that the pro camera based on an 18-mega-pixel Full Frame sensor will not be ready before the end of April 2012. But, in the mean time, we learned a few…