Category: Use
Franco Limosani
When a photographer rides freely in his/her free time, he/she will reach new photographic themes, some that are not in the daily routine. I think about Laurent Baheux who extracted himself from the daily rush of sports photography to join a wildlife photography hobby. Coming from another world (agencies and new documentary), Franco Limosani also…
Job interview
Source: Tastefully offensive.
Pirelli 2012 calendar – First shots
The Pirelli calendar is certainly the most famous calendar (at least in the automotive world). This comes in a large part from the very high quality of the artistic nudity photographs, as it is maintained from year to year despite a systematic change of photographer. This year, for 2012, the calendar is not yet officially…
John Ross
Sometimes, photography is hard to separate from painting and becomes a creative art with its own simplifications. This is what happens with some of the best works of John Ross. From London, he proposes photographs of human bodies seemingly covered with blood (kudos for red paint and nice lighting). But you should also explore the…
Fall colors: The 9 best tips
In a few days (or a few weeks, depending on your exact location), you will be surrounded by the colorful foliage of autumn in the Northern hemisphere. All photographers know that this is a time to bring out the camera and start shooting. But despite this being a subject considered easy, here are a few…
Peter Kayafas
The world of Peter Kayafas is mainly in black and white, but it’s our common world: A little out of our cities and their comemrcial malls, empty spaces are still there and contain the marks of our man’s activity. These abandoned marks in the wide empty spaces of North America are seen by Peter Kayafas…
Claes Axstål
So many photographers (even pros) do the same photo again and again, forgetting that they could use their own ingenuity to build their own pictures. Claes Axstål made a giant move when he decided to use Flash to do aerial photography. This made his photographs distinctly different. Nothing technically impossible, just a LOT of work…
« Miverina » means « to come back ». Rijasolo was born in Madagascar and the « Miverina » series is a move back to rediscover this country. His photography is a kind of black and white photography which touched me deeply. Question : Is there something that could make you stop shooting photographs? Rijasolo’s…
Extreme photo: Lift-off from the sky
Some photos are harder to shoot than others. It seems that there are groups of skydiver enthusiasts who are celebrating each space shuttle lift-off with a coordinated jump. One of them created a majestic picture of one of these incredible moments (June 7, 2010 lift-off of a Delta 2 rocket, from Vandenberg Air Force Base).…