Category: Use

  • Time lapse 3: Nights and stars

    There is no doubt that time lapse videos made of pictures taken at long time intervals and stitched into a a single video, require mastering a difficult technique. But waht about doing it at night shooting the starry sky? Everything gets more difficult. So, kudos go to SkyTimeLapse!

  • Time lapse 2: How?

    A few recommendations for time-lapse videos: Use high-definition: Your photo camera can do it, the video will be great in HD. Include some attractive central subject: Don’t just shoot clouds and skys. Make sure that there is a lot of activity: It would make no sense to speed up a boring single move from right…

  • Nikon stops D40

    I hear that Nikon is discontinuing its the Nikon D40: 6.1 millions of pixels since November 2006, that’s quite a success. While stoppping its manufacturing, Nikon officializes firmware updates for the Nikon D40 and D40x. Nikon D40 Download firmware v1.12 (Windows) Download firmware v1.12 (Mac) Nikon D40x Download firmware v1.01 (Windows) Download firmware v1.01 (Mac)…

  • Time lapse 1: Snails

    Time-lapse movies are actually photos taken at a relatively slow pace (for example, one photo per minute or one photo per second) and assembled into one long sequence displayed as a video movie. What is slow will appear fast. Interestingly, it can be done by nearly anybody with: A good camera A tripod Some patience…

  • Wouter Deruytter

    Black and white photography with Humanity in the center. Wouter Deruytter is showing us pictures that speak about the oldest America, like in this series about the Crow warriors: But he is also shooting great pictures of many other subjects. You should check his portraits of Keith Haring.

  • Story of three photos: 10 tips

    Here are three photos I shot last Sunday during a visit to the Lake Der-Chantecoq. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge them If you want to only watch the photographs, you can merely ask for a large format print on RedBubble (or a simple card). But I think that the story of these three photos…

  • Download Canon EOS 500D manual

    Download Canon EOS 500D manual

    Download a Canon EOS 500D user/instructions manual (from Canon Europe) Download a Canon EOS 500D user/instructions manual (from YLovePhoto) Books about the Canon EOS 500D ( Téléchargez un manuel du Canon EOS 500D (depuis Canon Europe) Téléchargez un manuel du Canon EOS 500D (depuis YLovePhoto) The Canon EOS 500D (aka Canon Rebel T1i) owner’s manual…

  • Cooking photos

    I don’t know about you, but I consider studio photo as one of the most complicated photography techniques (possibly with underwater photos while diving). But in the middle of this general context, photographing dishes to illustrate a book seems to be one of the most difficult specialties. I will not detail the technique, but I…

  • Kristina Kotarski

    I have been shocked by the beauty of the pictures when I was put in contact with the images on Kristina’s web site. A large part of it comes from the balanced use of water (dew) and light. I wanted to share this emotion with you.