Category: Use

  • Grégoire Bernardi

    A Marseillais in London Grégoire Bernardi is a French photographer from Marseilles whose work had me immediately reacting. First, I noticed some of the photos in his I’m a Marseillais series which initially seemed too near to a personal souvenir album before discovering the depth of his wider newspaper report approach. On his web site,…

  • Remote control with LiveView display

    The best of all worlds, the miracle combination. But, most of all, a great little trick of engineering: a radio remote control for your photo camera which communicates with a small gadget fixed in the flash shoe of your SLR camera and transmitting the image right from the SLR direct AV connector. Really smart thingy.…

  • Photoshop CS5 countdown

    Click onto the image below to reach the official launch site of Photoshop CS5: Update: Let’s be as clear as possible. On April 12, don’t expect to be able to buy a new box of Photoshop CS5. It will be only a technical presentation. We will still have to wait for the real availability (maybe…

  • What’s next for Adobe?

    After the recent announcements, it would be useful to look where Adobe is going now, or in the coming months. Here, it is OK to start using the bits of news becoming available. First, of course, Lightroom v3 will soon be available (you can download the beta 2, already). DPReview obtained an interview with Tom…

  • All for Lightroom v3

    Lightroom v3 beta 2 is now available for all to use/test. This is still a beta version, so you should remember that it comes with no warranty and, if you download it (for free), you expose yourself to a software application not yet ready for prime time and shop shelves (bugs are still very possible).…

  • David Bacher

    This photo is part of a series on the Sami people living in northern Sweden near the town of Kiruna. I took this picture at a reindeer corral during the month of December at around 14h. The Sami villagers work long hours, separating their individual reindeer herds. The temperature was approximately -15 Celsius. The light…

  • Photo collage, free tools

    It is no longer possible to list all the web sites that offer you the possibility to assemble a photo collage in a form that is appreciated by so many photographers despite its simplicity. Many web sites are characterized by the needed payments they request, but the idea has come a long way and what…

  • Panoramas like a pro: EPIC Pro

    GigaPan announces a new motorized panorama head: Epic Pro. This robot-like tripod-based camera mount automatizes the shooting of pictures that will be assembled into one giant panorama image. This leaves GigaPan with a full range of panorama mounts: The EPIC costs $349, the EPIC 100 $449 and the EPIC Pro $895. All three should start…

  • Antje Schley

    Sometimes, you discover a photographer because one work touched your eyes and you fall in love with the rest of her work. This is exactly what happened to me. I saw Antje Schley photo documentary about Kabul and loved her B&W rendering of this country at war. But it’s with her portraits series that I…