Category: Use
Car races: The 7 best tips
Once again, YLovePhoto is here to offer its advice to optimize our photographs in the most varied environments. Car racing (or motorcycle racing) is assuredly a favorite spot for photographing an exceptional subject: bright colors, shiny metal, technical expertise, intense concentration around competition, everything is present. So, here are a few tips to start motor…
Cheap Lightroom 3 on Amazon
Lightroom 3 sees its price lowered slightly at Amazon.
Benoît Feron
Today, nearly exactly two months after the ousting of Hosni Moubarak, here is a photograph of an Egyptian policeman that has been selected in Benoît Feron’s photo gallery. This picture is touching for the softness of the smile and the eyes of this uniformed man. The work of Benoît Feron is well adapted to such…
How to pick the best point-and-shoot camera for Mom?
Mother’s Day is on us. And Father’s Day, too. And if our parents are not strictly as enthusiastic about photography as we are, they probably don’t want to lug around a big SLR camera but they did not fail in asking for advice on what camera they should pick. It’s time to answer with the…
New features in Photoshop CS6
Obviously, Photoshop CS6 is not available yet (CS5.5 has just been announced) but it is already possible to sweep through the information already available from various sources (some official, some not) about this next generation of Photoshop. Some isolated elements have already been disclosed by Adobe in public shows and some have been revealed (or…
Peikwen Cheng
Gai, which means to build or to transform in Chinese, explores the dramatic physical transformation of China as it takes its place on the world’s stage. China is building itself (or should we say “rebuilding itself”). Peikwen Cheng is actively documenting this situation with an eye for architecture, composition, construction and structure. Peikwen Cheng’s web…
Suren Manvelyan
Suren Manvelyan is a physicist having graduated in the field of Quantum Chaos. He started to photograph when he was 16. If you visit his web site, you will notice that he is working on many fields and that this is his greatest strength. However, I was stopped by his Saxophonia series. The photo above…
This could change the life of some photo pros: Adobe now allows a rental/subscription-based acquisition method for its products (including Photoshop) which comes and widen the offer only allowing purchase as a possible option -up to now- It’s still right that the price is not a perfect bargain yet, but it opens new options and…
Go Lightroom! Go!
We all want new ideas to improve our usage of a great program like Lightroom. In order to support our activity and to bring us new ideas or better ways of using Lightroom, here is a collection of links selected just for you (you will notice that I have been able to mix English, German…