Category: Canon
Manufacturing of a Canon 500mm f/4 lens
Let’s go and see how is manufactured a big tele-lens from Canon. A lot of hot glass and quite a chunk of shiny metal. YouTube link
Canon EOS 5D MkII – Let’s tear it down!
I had previosuly shown the repairman tearing down a Nikon D300s under the video camera. I thought that it was (somewhat) interesting to compare with the same operation on a Canon EOS 5D MkII. YouTube link
Cloud: Canon EOS 600D & 1100D in 50 words
Canon Image Stabilization
As seen at the Photokina 2008, the visible operation of the image stabilisization inside a Canon lens. YouTube link YouTube link
Future avail of Canon tele-lenses
We no longer can say that this is a delay. Canon has been announcing so many of these up to now. Recently, they updated the list of availability for the future pro tele-lenses: EF 300mm f/2.8L IS II USM at $6,599, late August 2011 EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II USM at $10,499, late August 2011…
Canon EOS xxxD: The user guides
We know that many photographers do not have their SLR camera user’s guide in an electronic format, wish they had it readily available and cannot find this user’s manual. Canon has been noticed for being specially apt at putting obstacles for those looking for those documents for their Canon EOS/Rebel camera. According to us, this…
New features in Photoshop CS6
Obviously, Photoshop CS6 is not available yet (CS5.5 has just been announced) but it is already possible to sweep through the information already available from various sources (some official, some not) about this next generation of Photoshop. Some isolated elements have already been disclosed by Adobe in public shows and some have been revealed (or…
Canon: New list of reviews
The arrival of the Canon EOS 600D and of the Canon EOS 1100D inspired many reviewers to look deeply at them. You will find many of these tests and reviews grouped in the pages describing these photo cameras from Canon: Canon EOS 600D: 6 new reviews tests listed (in English and in French) Canon EOS…
Canon to suffer 27% from earthquake
Bloomberg news agency disclosed their estimate of reduced Operating Profits at Canon, the world’s largest camera maker: They may drop to 400 billion yen – 27% lower than previously estimated. No information about how they computed these figures, but the readers of YLovePhoto know what it is all about the Japan earthquake and its consequences.…