Category: ·Others
Backup for the photographer – part 2
We have been looking into the most obvious option for the photographer willing to backup its large amount of data: The local storage on an external hard drive. Nearly everyone of us at least tried to use this approach. But it is worth trying to understand that there are other very good options that I…
Water splash: The easy way to a great photo
photo credit: nsaplayer Who did not dream of making such a great photo as the milk or water drop stopped in mid-air? But this seems quite difficult. It may be, but there are a few techniques that can simplify things a little. Gavin Hoey, in the following video, shows a few of them, explaining lighting…
Batch-resize your photos
If you need to resize a bunch of pictures (for example, before publishing them on the web), it is a pain in the neck to collect them all and play with the Photoshop commands. For Windows users, here is a utility program that does exactly this in a nice way: All files of a directory,…
Backup for the photographer – part 1
Any digital photographer is quickly confronted with the bane of computer memory. At first, you notice that you need a lot of DRAM memory to edit your pictures (using Photoshop for example). The solution is easily found: Add more memory (Here come 4 GB of DRAM!) Then, you discover that all those 20 MP pictures…
DSLR market change
This is Photoscala which published the sales numbers for digital SLR cameras. The most amazingly interesting is -for me- which major brands progressed (or not) between 2006 and 2008: You cannot miss the obvious progress of Sony who clearly became a major actor of this market, and a significant competitor for Canon and Nikon. Furthermore,…
Willy Ronis is dead
You may remember some of his best black and white photos which allowed to meet humanity at its best. Or you may have heard his last Summer’s interview of Guy le Querrec on France Culture. Source: Le Monde.
Photo gear on a budget
Michael Zhang has a good set of advice to provide to help us all buy a lot of pro camera gear on a student budget. This is quite attractive because most photo enthusiasts quickly notice that the only limitation to our photo expenses is the money we can invest into it. Let’s admit it, there…
Cheap DIY video camera stabilizer
Those interested in video probably already know it, pros often use a stabilization system essentially made out of a heavy suspended mass to limit the camera moves when the operator uses it while walking or running. Unfortunately, as many understood it quickly, those devices are awfully expensive. For us, SLR camera lovers, today attracted to…
Kangaroos don’t like photos