Category: ·Others

  • Technique: Multiflash lighting

    Technique: Multiflash lighting

    Most studio photographers already know the lighting technique using several flashes. This is the basics for them. But when you talk to wildlife or nature photographers, flash is considered anathema. And who could dispute this? Using a flash set on top of the camera will immediately lead to flattening the model with a crude light.…

  • Photography quote of the day

    Photography quote of the day

    The best images are the ones that retain their strength and impact over the years, regardless of the number of times they are viewed. Anne Geddes

  • My own photo portfolio

    My own photo portfolio

    There, on my personal blog, I run a continuous stream of many of my newest photographs, as soon as they are available. But if I also try to group all the pictures I am most proud of. Let’s meet on: Wild Focus This is the web site of my portfolios. There, you will see the…

  • Photography quote of the day

    Photography quote of the day

    It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter. Alfred Eisenstaedt The subject before the gear.

  • Photography quote of the day

    Photography quote of the day

    The camera is an excuse to be someplace you otherwise don’t belong. Susan Meiselas

  • Photography quote of the day

    Photography quote of the day

    No place is boring, if you’ve had a good night’s sleep and have a pocket full of unexposed film. Robert Adams You need both.

  • Upscaling a photo with free AI

    Upscaling a photo with free AI

    Problem statement Sometimes, I am somewhat dissatisfied with the size of my digital photographs. The simplest way to improve (after the fact) is to run any Photoshop-like program, and apply a resampling (resize) preferably with the Lanczos method, in order to get 2x or 3x or 4x more pixels. It is fast and efficient, but…

  • Improve your photographic skills with a photo challenge

    Improve your photographic skills with a photo challenge

    One little idea to progress in our mastering of the photographic technique: Take a photo challenge like “52 photos in 52 weeks”. There are many of them, but I looked at one of the most famous ones: The Dogwood 52 Week Photography Challenge. Major advantage: It does not concentrate on the technical side of photographic…

  • Protection of your privacy and of your data

    Protection of your privacy and of your data

    You may not have noticed it but European Regulations recently required some significant changes on web sites, in order to make sure that they are respectful of their visitors and -even more importantly- of the privacy of their data. Our web site has been adapting since a few weeks with a few nice changes, including:…