After trying to sell their SD1 Digital SLR camera at the unreasonable price of $9,700 or 7,000€ or £6,199.99 (inc VAT), Sigma finally decided that customers are not completely wackos about the camera and just announced a much more normal price of $3300 (with a minimum advertised street price of $2200/2500€).
It may seem still too high, but it is in direct relation with the reality of the market for a rather exceptional digital sensor.
The only difference is that Sigma re-brands the camera as SD1 Merrill (adding the name of the inventor of the Foveon sensor included in the camera).

2 responses to “Sigma SD1: Back to mental stability”
Comapre this price to the nex Nikon D800. Both are at the same price, but the performance is not even comaprable. I would not even think of buying a Sigma if I did nto have a bunch of old Sigma lenses to keep.
And i don’t believe a word of what they say about the manufacturing costs.