Canon EOS xxxD: The user guides

We know that many photographers do not have their SLR camera user’s guide in an electronic format, wish they had it readily available and cannot find this user’s manual. Canon has been noticed for being specially apt at putting obstacles for those looking for those documents for their Canon EOS/Rebel camera.

Canon EOS user guides (AMAZON)According to us, this is even more compelling for the users of the entry-level photo cameras (probably because their users have less background experience to support them while they handle a Digital SLR camera that is much more complex than the bridge or compact camera they may have used before). At Canon, these SLR cameras are recognized by their three-figure moniker (EOS 500D, EOS 550D, EOS 600D, etc.)

With those users on our mind, we searched as extensively as needed to find the users guides for those SLR cameras:

They are now at your disposal in an easy to download electronic format (a PDF file) and they are free.



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