Photojournalism is not only about documenting war and front page events. Diamond Creek Donkey Shelter is the sanctuary for a motley herd of donkeys who, for most of their lives, have toughed it out as victims of neglect, ill health and even torture. There, Andy Drewitt brought to light the adventure of this Donkey Shelter.
And Andy is also giving us a very dynamic picture of this shelter, these donkeys and their friends. He went quite regularly visiting them, about once a week for two years.
Question: What was your first photo camera and how does it compare to your current one?
Andy’s answer: My first camera was a Ricoh film camera with a Pentax lens. I now use a Nikon D3s. The most obvious difference between the two cameras is analog and digital. With digital I love been able to see what I’m shooting on the LCD screen, but it becomes too easy to rely on it. I have to remind myself to stay focused on what is actually happening so that I don’t miss anything. With digital cameras it’s easy to shoot hundreds of frames and hope for the best. Safety in numbers. I’m always reminding myself to slow down, and to think more before i push the button. Quality, not quantity.