The new face of YLovePhoto

As you can immediately see if you are a returning friend of YLovePhoto, we just changed our face for something more organized and to help visitors navigate easier. After nearly two years of existence, some would say that it was the right time for it. I admit I am happy to see the last weeks of efforts (in the middle of a deluge of good photography news) finally coming to fruition.

A strong emphasis has been put onto the categories to help people go more directly to the brand they are interested into.

The database of SLR features and reviews now goes to the top menu where it is more clearly organized by brand, too.

I hope that you will like it, but your comments (positive or negative) are welcome here.

Nota bene: The same work is being prepared for the French version of the web site during the weekend.






2 responses to “The new face of YLovePhoto”

  1. Cornell Avatar

    I have YLovePhoto as RSS on MyYahoo. The language setting is for English. Since the the redesign, the language is in French, even though it’s supposed to be in English.

  2. Yves Roumazeilles Avatar


    As a a matter of fact, this is not directly linked to the redesign. Maybe I was tired, but it’s 3 cases in a row of my mixing English and French texts (Don’t hit me too hard: There was 1 post in the correct language, at least one). I did not notice the mix-up until you left this message… because I track all the RSS feeds at the same time here.

    Obviously, I have to apologize to you (and the others who did not have time enough to complain here). I’ll start with a good night sleep 🙂 to ensure things run smoothly from now on.

    And thanks for taking the time to report it.