Big Picture iPad app

Do you know the excellent The Big Picture web site? It hosts marvelous sets of pro news photographs. I admit freely that I always keep an eye on this excellent source.

Today, I learn that (which is hosting The Big Picture) launches a new iTunes application for the iPad. And this is a great combination: A superb display from Apple and a great application.

Download The Big Picture iPad application, from iTunes.

Highly recommended to any photographer with an iPad (or an iPod or an iPhone).






One response to “Big Picture iPad app”

  1. Yves Roumazeilles Avatar

    Vincent Prat, developed a similar application for the Android phones. You can download it from the Android Market by searching for « The Big Picture » or by scanning the QR code below :×230&chl=market%3A%2F%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dpname%3Afr.marvinlabs.thebigpicture.lite

    QR code - Big Picture