Photo scammers: The naked truth

It appears that -at least in some cases- many ads from Google (like the ones I display on my web sites) are presenting fraudulent business proposals. Usually they are recognizable by the fact that they makes too-good-to-be-true offers (half-price photo cameras or basement-sale prices for pro equipment).

But it is not always easy to recognize this kind of situation. This is where Exposed Scammers comes handy. This is a small web site that is browsing the ads and tries to identify the scammers from our photo-related ads.

One useful thing is that they also provide factual data to support their verdict (it’s not only a way to blindly flog a web site).

Recommended reading. Not only because you may recognize an ad you noticed, but also because it shows how to detect your own scammers.

If you want to avoid those scammers, you can also go directly to those companies that I directly partner with:







One response to “Photo scammers: The naked truth”

  1. Yves Roumazeilles Avatar

    Exposed Scammers:

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